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P.P.COM (ppcom.fr via byen.site) offers our customers a website hosted in a domain *.byen.siteE.g.: dupond-pierre-taxi.byen.site
Reason for inclusionCookie isolation. Each customer can partially modify himself his site so cookie isolation is needed for security reason.
该提问来源于开源项目 publicsuffix/list
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Sure, reviewing all these PRs seems like a tedious and thankless job, so I m happy to do my small part to help support the great work you all do.
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Thanks for the help.
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Ah ok, you re right.
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It s already sorted: site fr
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The order needs to be fixed now to be alphabetical.
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If your example subdomain is dupond-pierre-taxi.byen.site, then the suffix should be byen.site. By adding *.byen.site to the suffix list, you are stating that no cookies can be set on dupond-pierre-taxi.byen.site or any other subdomain.
Please review the documentation on the list format.
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Hi ,1. Fixed. Thanks a lot.2. In https://github.com/publicsuffix/list/wiki/Guidelines, I can read Sort first by the TLD, then the first label to the left of the TLD, and so forth . So I think the order is right.
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Based on your example domain, the entry should not contain *. at the beginning.
The list should also be sorted alphabetically.
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$ dig short TXT _psl.byen.site https://github.com/publicsuffix/list/pull/490点赞 评论 复制链接分享 提交 再想想 采纳 点击登录 提问题 欢迎建议意见 . 如何写高质量提问和回答? 采纳榜7天 被采纳次数
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